Thursday, January 28, 2010

frank farrelly, screw you

I had an idea at one point in time.  I had this grand plan for 'therapizing' the population. I knew what would work and was putting it into action with each new person I met.  Throughout college, particularly my final year, I applied my ideas and made note of my "results". 

Then it was brought to my attention that this is not, in fact, my idea.   This is the idea of Frank Farrelly and it's called Provocative Therapy.

Now I've finally read through the book and I'm just PISSED OFF that he stole my idea.  Of course, the book was written way before I was even I guess *technically* I was the thief.   But i had the ideas, and hypotheses, and experiments far before I even heard of Mr Farrelly's theories. 

Maybe Frank and I should just partner up.  Take on the world. that's an option.....

What is provocative therapy?


HIJOLE said...

I don't think it posted my comment. It reminds me of Albert Ellis and his cute songs about musterbation.

Client: - I can’t do this.
Therapist: - Well if I cut one of your toes of every time you did it - would you then be able to?

Unknown said...

Have you found that it works?

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