Tuesday, September 29, 2009

time marches on

My watch stopped running weeks ago.  I intended to buy a new battery, but despite reminding myself multiple times I still seem to completely forget every time I'm in a relevant store.  So I think, maybe if I keep wearing the watch then I'll realize while I'm out that it's not working and I'll pick up a battery.

Day 3 of this and I still have a non-working watch. 


Unknown said...

I had a dream last night... you and dennis and I were at six flags (the two of you dressed appropriately in shorts, i was upset to be in jeans). This six flags had a station for catching giant grasshoppers with nets. There was also a really deep pit with a bunch of goats in the bottom. The goats somehow managed to jump out and chased us for the rest of the dream. Ther wa sa reason why, but I don't remember anymore.

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